Always going beyond.

Count on Schaeffer’s durability and performance.

Getting more from your equipment.

Equipment lasts longer, and costs less to maintain.

Give us a try.

See how we put the special into Schaeffer’s specialized lubricants.

Specialized lubricants you can depend on.

Reduce equipment failures and downtime on the job site.

Results you can count on.

Schaeffer oil is your single source supplier.


567M VGP-EAL Marine EcoShield Biodegradable EP Gear Oil

  • • 열적 안정성, 내열, 극압 성능이 우수한 합성유 기반의 친환경적 생분해성 기어오일

    • ISO 150, 220, 320

    • 선박 기어드라이브, thrusters, 습동면, 베어링 등에 적용

Performance Benefits

무독성, 생분해, 친환경 

극한 조건의 고하중에도 기어 치면 보호 성능 탁월

뛰어난 기포 형성 억제력

USDA definition EO 13101 규격 충족

U.S. EPA’s definition 충족